Nazwa: International Rescue committee Polska
Adres: ul. Emilii Plater 28, 00-688 Warszawa, 00-688 Warsaw
Województwo: mazowieckie
Telefon: +48 451147433
e-mail: zobacz email
Osoba upoważniona do kontaktów:
Hatem Bata
Telefon: +48 451147433
Email: zobacz email
Określenie przedmiotu zamówienia:
Financial Service Provider for Cash Assistance Programming
Miasto: Warsaw
Województwo: mazowieckie
Adres strony internetowej, na której dostępne są szczegóły przetargu:
Rodzaj zamówienia: usługi
Tryb postępowania: tryb podstawowy lub przetarg nieograniczony
Termin składania ofert: 2022-05-26
Request for Proposals (RFP / 01/2022)
Financial Service Provider for Cash Assistance Programming
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is an international, nonsectarian, voluntary organization providing relief, and protection for refugees and victims of oppression or violent conflict. IRC responds to the world's worst humanitarian crises and helps people to survive and rebuild their lives. Founded in 1933, the IRC offers lifesaving care and life-changing assistance to refugees forced to flee from war or disaster.
The IRC operates in Poland and has a requirement to establish a Tender Bid to supply Cash facilitation and assistance to Ukrainians in Poland to or at the following locations (Warsaw, Wroclaw, Lublin, Rzeszow, Krakow).
The International rescue committee Polska will establish a contractual agreement with one or more technology providers to provide cash assistance to Ukrainians in Poland that meets IRC's criteria.
Interested and suitably qualified suppliers must submit their Intent to Bid through the email provided below:
Intent to Bid must be submitted to IRC at the given address by the 18th of May 2022 (5:00 PM Poland Time).
- intenttobidform.doc (69Kb) - Intent to Bid form should be submitted before 18th of May.
- ircconflictofinterestandvendorcodeofconduct.docx (412Kb) - IRC Conflict of Interest and Vendor Code of Conduct should be filled and signed , Also to be submitted with the bids
- rfpcashassistancepoland.doc (262Kb) - Request for Proposal file which includes the scope of work required and all other related details
- vendorinformationform.docx (71Kb) - Vendor Information Form should be filled ,signed and to be submitted with Bids at the Bid submission due date 26th May 2022
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